2016 雁棲島優(yōu)雅大展 保時(shí)捷車(chē)主馬伊凡專(zhuān)訪
2016-09-24 17:55:00 來(lái)源:搜狐汽車(chē)
圖為兩輛保時(shí)捷356 SC經(jīng)典車(chē)的車(chē)主馬伊凡先生

    9月18日,2016“雁棲島優(yōu)雅大展”在北京雁棲湖完滿(mǎn)落幕。作為第二年參加優(yōu)雅大展的汽車(chē)廠商,大眾汽車(chē)集團(tuán)(中國(guó))攜大眾、奧迪、斯柯達(dá)、賓利、保時(shí)捷和蘭博基尼六大品牌12輛經(jīng)典車(chē)和現(xiàn)代新款車(chē)型驚艷亮相,成為“雁棲島優(yōu)雅大展”中的吸睛焦點(diǎn)。因其在推廣汽車(chē)文化方面做出的杰出貢獻(xiàn)和努力,大眾汽車(chē)集團(tuán)被授予“經(jīng)典車(chē)文化傳播大獎(jiǎng)”的殊榮。此外 ,旗下品牌保時(shí)捷、賓利還分別獲得了獎(jiǎng)項(xiàng)。在此,我們也有幸采訪到了兩輛保時(shí)捷356 SC經(jīng)典車(chē)的車(chē)主——?dú)W洲汽車(chē)隊(duì)經(jīng)典賽車(chē)公司主席馬伊凡先生。

圖為此次參展保時(shí)捷356 SC經(jīng)典車(chē)型
圖為此次參展保時(shí)捷356 SC經(jīng)典車(chē)型
出于對(duì)經(jīng)典汽車(chē)的熱愛(ài),馬伊凡先生于1985年成立了EQUIPE EUROPE(歐洲汽車(chē)隊(duì))經(jīng)典賽車(chē)公司。馬伊凡先生的第一臺(tái)經(jīng)典車(chē)是MG出品的B型Coupé,之后駕駛一臺(tái)MG Midjet開(kāi)始參加經(jīng)典車(chē)賽事,稍后購(gòu)入并駕駛更多賽車(chē)參賽,包括Lotus(蓮花)、Lola(羅拉)、AC Cobra(AC眼鏡蛇)、捷豹及保時(shí)捷,在他的車(chē)隊(duì)中甚至包括了保時(shí)捷著名賽車(chē)車(chē)型935。伴隨多年經(jīng)營(yíng),歐洲汽車(chē)隊(duì)在歐洲各項(xiàng)經(jīng)典車(chē)賽事獲獎(jiǎng)無(wú)數(shù),其經(jīng)典賽車(chē)修復(fù)、翻新、交易及管理業(yè)務(wù)也獲得了長(zhǎng)足發(fā)展,目前歐洲汽車(chē)隊(duì)經(jīng)典車(chē)公司已發(fā)展成法國(guó)該領(lǐng)域的第一大企業(yè),在整個(gè)歐洲經(jīng)典賽車(chē)領(lǐng)域也能輕松位居前10位。


主題:2016 雁棲島優(yōu)雅大展 保時(shí)捷車(chē)主Yvan Mahé(馬伊凡)媒體專(zhuān)訪


受訪人: 歐洲汽車(chē)隊(duì)經(jīng)典賽車(chē)公司主席馬伊凡先生(Yvan MAHé)

Media: It's your first time in China, and it's your first time bringing two fabulous Porsche cars in China, so how do you think, how's your impression of China? And also how would you compare the different cultures in Europe classic car cultures, and also the Chinese cultures?


Yvan Mahé: It's my first time in China, so I'm very pleased to be here with you. And thank you to Mr. Wang and Porsche China, because they helped us to come with fantastic Porsches like two 356SC. So my feeling about the life in China is totally different than you can see in TV maybe in New York, you know. I'm very surprised about the quality, about the people, who smiles, I saw everybody smiling. We are very pleased to be here. And to speak about classic car, the classic car you know it's for us a passion, in Europe you have many, many, many different clubs, you know many rallies, you have race meeting, and so it's for Chinese people you have to learn, and you have to understand. And so the only thing you have to know it's a passion, first thing it's a passion, and for us we try to coming back next year with more cars, and so to explain to Chinese people why we love classic car. It's a style of life, you know? And so, but we are very surprised about the level of life here in China, honestly. So, thank you.

答:這是我第一次來(lái)到中國(guó),因此我非常榮幸能夠和你們此時(shí)此刻在一起。同時(shí)感謝王垠先生、保時(shí)捷中國(guó),因?yàn)樗麄兊膸椭也拍軌驇?lái)兩輛保時(shí)捷356 SC。我對(duì)中國(guó)的感受相比之前在電視上所看到的是截然不同的。我非常驚訝于中國(guó)的生活水平,以及時(shí)常臉上都掛著笑容的人們。無(wú)論是在學(xué)校的孩子們還是其他的行人,我去到之處所有人都笑口常開(kāi),我們很開(kāi)心能夠來(lái)到這里。談到經(jīng)典車(chē),它給我們帶來(lái)熱情,在歐洲有無(wú)數(shù)的俱樂(lè)部,很多的接力賽,許多的賽車(chē)會(huì)等等。中國(guó)未來(lái)經(jīng)典車(chē)文化的發(fā)展也需要向歐洲多借鑒,并充分的了解經(jīng)典車(chē)文化內(nèi)涵。經(jīng)典車(chē)對(duì)我來(lái)說(shuō)最重要的就是熱情,我們希望明年能夠帶更多的保時(shí)捷經(jīng)典車(chē)輛回到這里,能夠?yàn)楦嗟闹袊?guó)民眾展示我們對(duì)經(jīng)典車(chē)的熱愛(ài),這也是我們的一種生活方式。

Media: Okay, the second question, would you tell us a little bit about those two cars you bring in China this time? The fabulous Porsche 356 SC?

問(wèn):第二個(gè)問(wèn)題,可否跟我們描述一下這次您帶來(lái)中國(guó)的兩輛車(chē)?傳說(shuō)中的保時(shí)捷356 SC?

Yvan Mahé: So to speak about the car, the two cars that we brought in China, it's two Porsches 356SC. Its engine is 1.6 litres, 100 horse power, and it's a fantastic car because it's flat head engine, so you have no water, you can go in the traffic at Beijing, and for two hours you don't move and you don't warm the engine. It’s reliable and so here, in front of the best car today. But we mentioned in our workshop many complicated Porsches, like the Porsche Le Mans car, and so many many Porsches are very complicated. It's too early to come with these types of car in China today, but I want to see this car and you know, to understand for Chinese people that you can drive under this car,everyone can drive in this car very easily. So this is a good thing. I hope next year, I want Chinese people coming with this type of car.

馬伊凡先生和他的時(shí)捷356 SC經(jīng)典車(chē)
馬伊凡先生和他的時(shí)捷356 SC經(jīng)典車(chē)
答:我們帶來(lái)的這兩輛車(chē)是保時(shí)捷356 SC,它的引擎是1600毫升,100匹 馬力。這是一輛不凡的車(chē),因?yàn)樗捎昧怂綄?duì)置發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)。如果你在北京的交通公路上堵上兩個(gè)小時(shí)完全不動(dòng)的話,你也不需要預(yù)熱引擎,它非常可靠, 對(duì)于我們來(lái)說(shuō)這是最棒的車(chē)之一。不過(guò)我們也曾經(jīng)在研討會(huì)上說(shuō)過(guò),有許多輛技術(shù)和保養(yǎng)上要求都比較復(fù)雜的保時(shí)捷車(chē),例如保時(shí)捷勒芒車(chē)型等,目前進(jìn)入中國(guó)的時(shí)機(jī)并不成熟。不過(guò)我很希望能夠幫助中國(guó)車(chē)迷更好的了解這些經(jīng)典車(chē),讓他們明白其實(shí)誰(shuí)都可以開(kāi)這輛車(chē),無(wú)論是你、你太太、不論性別、任何人都可以輕松的駕馭這輛車(chē),這是一件好事。我們也希望明年可以看到更多的中國(guó)人駕駛保時(shí)捷的經(jīng)典車(chē)型。


Media: BTV

Media: Porsche has been an outstanding brand throughout history. What do you think are the essential qualities which contributed to maintaining the success and reputation of Porsche?


Yvan Mahé: It's a great car, and they stay now. The modern cars are great cars. And they have connection, all the connection stemmed there, from the old classic car, from Porsche to now, between the name of Porsche is quality. Luxury car, but quality car. And the second thing is the sports car, you know Porsches are involved in racing, since many years now. I have a very good friend, is Romain Dumas, who won Le Mans again with Porsche this year. He was a little bit lucky, but Porsche after 1970 they won Le Mans, now they win again Le Mans. So it's a connection and now for Porsches I think it's very important to be in racing and do some fantastic car, like new car, like the Macan or like the Cayenne car. So this is the reason that you have always, from the 1950th to now, it doesn't change, they stay on the top.

答:保時(shí)捷的這個(gè)品牌其實(shí)是有兩點(diǎn)精神是一以貫之的。第一個(gè)就是保時(shí)捷出品的車(chē)型都以質(zhì)量可靠,性能出色聞名。無(wú)論是誕生于1950年代的經(jīng)典車(chē)型,還是外觀設(shè)計(jì)出眾的現(xiàn)代車(chē)型,保時(shí)捷都保持了其始終如一的高品質(zhì)豪華車(chē)的特點(diǎn)。這個(gè)其實(shí)是保時(shí)捷的這個(gè)車(chē)型無(wú)論是從過(guò)去到現(xiàn)在都延續(xù)下來(lái)的。那第二個(gè)是保時(shí)捷的運(yùn)動(dòng)基因,眾所周知保時(shí)捷早在很多年前就參與到了賽車(chē)運(yùn)動(dòng)中。我有一個(gè)非常好的朋友Romain Dumas,他今年代表保時(shí)捷車(chē)隊(duì)再次贏得了勒芒24小時(shí)耐力賽的冠軍。自1970年保時(shí)捷在勒芒首奪冠軍后,保時(shí)捷在隨后的數(shù)年中一直在刷新和創(chuàng)造歷史,它在勒芒持續(xù)的優(yōu)異表現(xiàn),和取得的優(yōu)異成績(jī),證明了保時(shí)捷在從經(jīng)典到現(xiàn)代車(chē)型運(yùn)動(dòng)基因的完美傳承與延續(xù)。參與賽車(chē)運(yùn)動(dòng)對(duì)于汽車(chē)廠商制造出性能優(yōu)異的車(chē)型是至關(guān)重要的,你能看到保時(shí)捷現(xiàn)代的多款車(chē)型都從中有汲取靈感??傮w來(lái)說(shuō),你能看到,自1950年代以來(lái),保時(shí)捷的高品質(zhì)和運(yùn)動(dòng)基因從未改變,也一直保持著自己在汽車(chē)界的領(lǐng)先地位。

Media: The second question about how do you see the Chinese classic car culture? Classic car that grows in the future?


Yvan Mahé: China it's a great country with a great culture, so you are the empire and you have many things now, so it's very important that, so now you have classic car, in many rallies and in many many places, and so now I think it's a good news for China, because you have many people interested by this car. This morning I was very surprised, I was in a petrol station with two Porsches, and many people were around taking pictures, it means that Chinese people like this car, like classic car, so it's very important now, it's us to come to you, and bring cars, classic cars, to help you to understand the culture of classic car. It's a style of life, and so I think it's very important that me, with our friend, we come back next year with more cars, and after we hope that Chinese people buy this type of car, and going towards the weekend for fun, you know.



Media: So how would you see all the Porsche classic cars? And we know like only 2/3 of the Porsche classic cars are still driving on the road, how do you see that?


Yvan Mahé: The Porsche, it's a pity because we have just two Porsches this meeting, and so we try to push our Porsches like we are in France, we work on many racing Porsches. Like 917, like 908, 904, you know special racing cars. So here we are very pleased to be here to show that classic car could run on the road with no problem, it's a reliable car, and it's worked for me one of the best car of the world.


Media: We know in China the classic car, the kind of culture of classic car is kind of not mature enough, especially for the young people. So how do you see those classic car cultures growing or developing in Western or in Europe? Especially the young guys, how do they see the classic car culture?


Yvan Mahé: You know in Europe, many young people, they like Porsches because Porsche is well known in racing history. On the road there are many Porsches, the line, the engine is very important mark for Europeans. So to me I think younger people they want one, but generally they don't have any much money to buy one, but they wait until I don't know, 40 or 60 years old to buy one. It's different in China, because in China, I think the problem is with government for classic car, because classic car in China, you cannot import the car like more than 10 years, so somebody told me that. So I think to grow, if the market for classic car grows in China, the only important thing is the government has to help, to help to, if we can grow here with classic car, and one on the road classic car. It's important, if you just put your classic car in the carriage, it's not interesting.

答:在歐洲,很多年輕人都非常喜歡保時(shí)捷,因?yàn)楸r(shí)捷在賽事歷史中有著非常耀眼的表現(xiàn)。在歐洲的道路上也能看到非常多的保時(shí)捷,對(duì)于歐洲人來(lái)說(shuō),保時(shí)捷的發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)和流線設(shè)計(jì)都是非常具有標(biāo)志性的。對(duì)于歐洲的年輕人來(lái)說(shuō),保時(shí)捷是一輛在青年時(shí)期無(wú)法負(fù)擔(dān)的一輛dream car,也許他們會(huì)在自己40或者60歲的時(shí)候購(gòu)買(mǎi)一輛來(lái)圓夢(mèng)。在中國(guó)情況可能有所不同,我聽(tīng)說(shuō)目前中國(guó)對(duì)經(jīng)典車(chē)的管理政策還比較嚴(yán)格,你沒(méi)有辦法進(jìn)口超過(guò)十年以上的車(chē)型。我想在未來(lái),隨著中國(guó)經(jīng)典車(chē)市場(chǎng)的發(fā)展,也許未來(lái)這個(gè)情況會(huì)有改變,會(huì)有更多的經(jīng)典車(chē)出現(xiàn)在中國(guó)的道路上。如果你只是把你的經(jīng)典車(chē)放在車(chē)庫(kù)里,這一點(diǎn)都不有趣。

Yvan Mahé: I just add something, it's my company, in Europe, France, it specializes in classic car. I'm very surprised once in China, we have got our car in display for yesterday, and you have so many many people want to come in and take pictures, and younger people ,you know, they want to take pictures of this car. And this morning we went at a petrol station to refuel, and lot of people want the car, and they say oh God, you know, and they want to take pictures.


Media: We are also very happy to see this.


Yvan Mahé: Yes very happy.


Media: It's growing of the Chinese classic car culture.


Yvan Mahé: Exactly, it's the reason that we are here.


Media: So do you have any plans in the future in China, do you have specific plans to promote this classic car culture?


Yvan Mahé: You know, we went here because Mr. Wang, thank you so much to Mr. Wang and Porsche, to help us, invited me with my car here. And so we did this first time, thank you so much with Porsches, you and to help us, Porsche Classic in China. So me, I hope that next year I will come with more Porsches, 4 or 5 Porsches, because it's the first time I've been in China, and we are very surprised of the life level. We went to Beijing, we went to Shanghai, beautiful, and the life level we see, you see many modern cars, it's like Europe, so we are pleased to be here, and I hope to come back next year with more cars.


Media: I think it's kind of a legal question. This gentleman is interested in, because in different countries they have the different legal rules about your cars need to be abandoned on the road, because you are old enough or something? So how do you see these different rules or regulations in different countries?


Yvan Mahé: In Europe it's different, because in Europe the rules are similar, very similar. In the United States too. The problem in China I understand why, you want new cars, people buy new cars, so it's a problem because they block the car. China has to understand that classic car is different from new car, so the rules are a little bit different, it's lower level for the rules in Europe. China has to be, I think to be the same thing, it's to be lower the rule like pollution, pollution rules for example. To be lower because it's to help that we can come with classic car, and Chinese people can drive their classic car on the road, which is not possible today. With this car in China, it's difficult, you can just drive this car in the rally, but not on the road, like normal today. For example, my wife in France, she can drive everyday the car on the road, and go to the supermarket.


Media: They've noticed like you started your classic car career since 1985, so he's kind of interested, like how you started, and also how you proceed this interest to become a very important career in your life?


Yvan Mahé: So I started to buy my first car, it was an MGB, so I was 18 years old. And then I started the business in 1985, it was a passion. And after, you have to save the car, and go back, you have to like engine, you have to like working on the car, a manual thing, you know. And second, very important thing for classic car, for me, it's beautiful. Look, this is the line of Porsche, beautiful line. Now the modern cars are similar, an SUV like Borgward, it's the same like BWM SUV. It's the same. Before, you have different things, so I like this and I like the passion, and if I have something to tell to Chinese people, it's not to say, okay, you can earn money with classic car, because I think now, you hear in the market, classic cars are like paintings, it's like contemporary art and artworks. First word, it's passion.

答:我十八歲那年,購(gòu)入了第一輛自己的愛(ài)車(chē),是一輛MGB。我想是熱情驅(qū)使我在1985年進(jìn)入了這個(gè)行業(yè)。從事經(jīng)典車(chē)這個(gè)行業(yè),你需要對(duì)每一輛車(chē)充滿(mǎn)熱愛(ài),了解車(chē)內(nèi)的每一個(gè)部分,適應(yīng)經(jīng)典車(chē)的操作特色。此外,每一輛經(jīng)典車(chē)型對(duì)我來(lái)說(shuō)都非常美,你們看我身后的這輛保時(shí)捷 356 SC,它的這個(gè)流線非常美,而且是獨(dú)一無(wú)二的。但是現(xiàn)代車(chē)的設(shè)計(jì)就都特別相似,特色就少了一些。我知道在中國(guó)不少人認(rèn)為通過(guò)收藏經(jīng)典車(chē)能夠獲利,就像收藏藝術(shù)作品一樣,但是我想說(shuō),促使你從事這一行業(yè)的首要因素,還應(yīng)該是發(fā)自?xún)?nèi)心的熱愛(ài)。

Media: So you have a lot of classic cars, like Porsche classic cars in your collection. So why choose Porsche 356SC this time?

問(wèn):您收藏了有這么多經(jīng)典車(chē),當(dāng)初怎么想到是要帶這個(gè)保時(shí)捷356 SC帶到中國(guó),是出于一個(gè)怎么樣的想法?

Yvan Mahé: Because it's the first time I'm in China for a rally, so we don't know exactly what's happening with Continental, with shipping of the car from Europe to China. So I decided to bring some very reliable cars, with no problem, and it means that yesterday after one month of shipping in a Continental, I took my car, put the key back, and the engine starts, and here we go on the road. With a Jaguar, it's not the same, you know. Porsche is very good.

答:因?yàn)檫@是我們第一次帶經(jīng)典車(chē)來(lái)中國(guó),從歐洲運(yùn)往中國(guó),經(jīng)典車(chē)要被放入集裝箱,經(jīng)過(guò)一個(gè)月的海運(yùn)才能平穩(wěn)抵達(dá)。所以我決定挑選品質(zhì)可靠,性能穩(wěn)定的保時(shí)捷356 SC 來(lái)試水。當(dāng)我們的保時(shí)捷運(yùn)抵中國(guó)后,我像往常一樣把鑰匙插入,車(chē)子輕松啟動(dòng),上路,完全沒(méi)有問(wèn)題。


Media: So for the modern cars of Porsche, which one is your favourite?


Yvan Mahé: I like the Macan, because my wife has a Macan, she drives a Macan. We love the Macan because the suspicion is amazing. It’s fantastic, because you can be slower when you have a hole in the road, but you can be at 200km in the corner, fast corner, and it doesn’t move. It’s flat and it’s amazing.


Media: And the design?


Yvan Mahé: I love the design, because it’s so different from the SUV, it’s Porsche and the inside is very nice. The finishing is very nice inside. I prefer to drive classic cars over modern cars. You know for example, I prefer my Macan, I drive it for holidays. We love to go on our holidays with a classic car, like Porsche or Ferrari, because it's for the weekend, we can drive the car for the weekend on the road. So we go visit France, or Italy, or Germany. So we love it.


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